February 12, 2012

Another FWK poster

How ironic life can be sometimes.  I guess I know which two I'm picking.  How about you?


  1. I just saw this movie last night. I have absolutely fallen in love with the sweater Jennifer's character wore to Vermont. (Wide sleeves, fitted waist) Okay, and the boots she wore too. Can you tell me who made them?

    Thanks! Elizabeth Bannon, Maynard, MA

  2. I wish! Really I do! I think I bought it at either Century 21 in NYC or maybe even Loehmann's? It wasn't even a brand that I had ever seen before. It was a one'er and I wish I had one myself.

    Maybe someone will see the film and make them again!

    The boots however were from Joie, but because I did the film in late 2010 and early 2011 I'm not sure if they are available.

    Glad you enjoyed the film-- it's a goodie.

  3. Drat! I've spent days trying to find something similar because it's just such a lovely and elegant ensemble. Anyway, thanks for getting back to me! It's nice to know that costume designers spend time shopping the same places I do. :)

  4. Well, again, thank you for loving it and yes I am constantly digging in bargain bins!
