August 30, 2010

5$ A Day

I designed the film, 5$ A Day a few years back and I hear that has finally made it to a DVD rental store near you.  Hopefully.  I have heard from people that it is "On Demand" and I've noticed that my Netflix is now saying it is available, but there is not much about it on the web.

It's too bad.  This is a great little film, with amazing actors (Christopher Walken, Sharon Stone) that has somehow been lost in the financial wreckage of the film industry.  It was produced by Capitol Films and I suppose all of us involved in making it should just be happy it isn't hidden away in some vault gathering dust.

A friend of mine that produces independent film felt it was very discouraging to know that a film with A list actors can go "straight to video".  What hope is there for tiny indies with up and coming actors?  How are small films ever to find an audience anymore if it takes more money to advertise them than to make the film?

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